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4369 N. 500 E.
Crawfordsville , IN 47933
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4369 N. 500 E.
Crawfordsville , IN 47933
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(765) 362-5525
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(765) 362-5525
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Pool and Patio Floor Coatings

Pool and Patio Floor Coatings

Special Discounts | Warranties Available | Certified and Insured

Special Discounts
Warranties Available
Certified and Insured

(765) 362-5525
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Balcony and Outside Concrete

Rock Hard Coatings offers a durable and attractive solution for your balcony, exterior concrete, concrete slab, or poolside location. Our patented polyurea and polyaspartic coating ZG-SHIELD is specially designed to withstand harsh winter weather. The concrete coating resists UV rays and will not fade or change color over the years.

The textured coating protects against slipping and is easy to maintain. With maximum strength and durability that compares to calcium, our products are a logical choice to beautify your exterior. We also offer the best warranty in the industry:
  • 10 years on any majors defects
  • Lifetime on hazing and yellowing of the final layer caused by UV rays
  • One-day coating
We believe in following advanced techniques and using superior products to ensure you get the best services available. Call us today for a FREE estimate.
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